Wednesday 8 November 2017

A basket by one of my students...............

Isn't this just beautiful work?
By Rosie Woodley, AMEA Convention Workshop, Hobart, Tasmania, October 2018

Makes my day when I can share my knowledge/experience in miniature basketmaking
and get results like this.  My time is not wasted!!


  1. Dear Lidi, you should be proud of your skill and in the ability to share that skill with a receptive and adept student.
    I have two full size baskets beautifully made in that style that I found at thrift stores. I treasure them.
    Thank you for sharing Rosie’s work.
    Regards Janine

  2. It is beautiful work....she obviously had an excellent teacher!! X

  3. Yes! She did a beautiful job making that gorgeous basket. And Janine & Linda are right, she obviously had a good teacher!

  4. Preciosa cesta! es normal con tan buena profesora!!!

  5. What a great feeling to see the results of Rosie's basket weaving. It is one thing as an student to be satisfied with something they've done in class, but another thing altogether to receive praise and recognition from the Teacher of the Craft their learning. Well Done Rosie! :D

