Monday, 27 January 2014

2014 so far!!

Australia Day has come and gone and that marks the end of the holiday season for us!!  All the holiday makers will have headed home, leaving us locals to the lovely beaches and some peace and quiet!  I may have been quiet for a little while, but have been working.

Firstly, I have put wheels into motion - preparing for several shows coming up in the next 15 months.   I'm getting in with an early start in the hope that I don't end up doing nothing but weave in my usual frantic efforts to have enough stock.  I'm determined to spread the load so I have a little time at least to enjoy doing things other than baskets - hahaha!

I have been working on a new border!  I should mention that I do not glue borders to my baskets.  I always finish with a woven border or a bound border, depending on the basket I am making.  Most baskets in real size are finished with what is called a "commercial border" and that is what I use for the majority of my baskets.  It took me 2 years to get the ending on the border correct - slow learner here!! Worth it in the end.  Of course, the choice in borders is huge - and I have selected the 2 rod, 3 stroke plaited border to master.  The start and end are the crucial bits.  If you get the start wrong, then the end won't happen.  As you can see from the image below, I have not cut the threads yet.  They will all be unpicked and I will start again.  And again.....and again......and again - until I am satisfied.  I haven't got the tension right yet and I need to cement the start and finish bits.  Not too worried about how long this will take though.  It's not a border that one would use a huge lot - especially in baskets with handles etc even in full size baskets.  However, it does look good say on a fruit bowl type basket, on trays and platters and on cradles.  ENOUGH OF THE BORING STUFF!!

2x3 plaited border

This little birdcage was inspired by the bird feeder I bought at the end of last year.  It measures 68mm from base to tip and 40mm at its widest point.  I was quite happy with the result.  You will notice that I did not put a border on this one at all.  For sale ones will have a border!


The fishing creel, which I have been wanting to make for so long!  At last I've worked out a shape I am happy with.  This one does have a border on the lid - a very basic trac border.  I'm really happy with this one!  Measurements - 38.5mm long, 28mm high at back, 25mm deep - opening lid.

Fishing creel

And here are a couple random shots just for something different - Been practising using my new camera and loving it.

A bromeliad in the garden

A couple of fisher-persons 

More fisher-people!

Another orchid

And that's it from me!  Hope everyone is well and already tackling the year with gusto!!  I have to otherwise I will run out of time!

Take care, all of you!


  1. Oh Lidi,

    These are just WONDERFUL. I love all three of them. The braided border is gorgeous. I love the bird cage. and the creel is perfect! I wouldn't know which to choose if I was standing there with money in my hand.
    I can't imagine living somewhere I could see orchids growing out side. How lovely!

  2. The borders give your work a lovely finish. I love the fishing creel.

  3. ese acabado es precioso, y la jaula es divina ,me encanta , las fotos muy curiosas



  4. Your baskets are wonderful, as always.
    Bye, Faby

  5. Hi Lidi! Such meticulous work and I can well imagine you picking it apart again and again as you have said, because one can see from the precision of your work that you expect nothing but the Best from yourself.
    I am in total Awe of your incredible skills. :))


  6. The 2 baskets and the bird cage are simply fabulous!! I do love elaborated bird cages but only empty!!! :) Well done

  7. your baskets are wonderful, I love that fishing basket it's perfect for my fishing shanty :)


  8. The fishing creel is brilliant, as is the bird feeder. I can't believe you weave the border in, that is incredible, I would have assumed they were glued on, and very well glued on too, I've been making a few baskets lately, and discovered how hard it is to glue a border on, and then the awful join :D. And that was not boring, but very interesting Lidi! :D

    Love the second fisher people.

  9. Finally got a chance to totally see your blog. Love love your baskets. Your work is wonderful. Got your link from my friend Elizabeth of Studio E.
    fatima (fats)
