Saturday 28 October 2017

Update on Flourish & Blotts.......

The following are some pics of progress on this project to date.  I have been working steadily during the week - but lots more to be done.

All the timber framing on ready for claying

One side clayed

Other side clayed

Brickwork completed on chimney stack

Showing the completed chimney stack

Painting of the chimney stack commenced

Showing the complete chimney painted

And that has been my progress to date.   Still a lot of work to do but a great step forward.


  1. Wow! tiene un aspecto genial!!!

  2. Lidi,
    You are so good at working with the paper clay. Your brickwork is PERFECTION!!! I would have loved to see how you did that. I always wanted to make one of Rik's designs. Sadly I just didn't live close enough to anywhere he gave one of his classes.
    I am LOVING watching you make this one. XXX

  3. Most Impressive Lidi! I like the way you have broken up the brickwork with the different color and texture of the cement not to mention the look of the chimney pots at the top of the stack.
    Beautiful work both carving and painting.

  4. Looks wonderful! I love the timbers and the brickwork. Gorgeous.

  5. Very beautiful Lidi. The stone and brick are lovely, I can tell you are a perfectionist!

  6. The timbers and bricks and "waddle & daub" infill all look great. Nice photos too - thanks for the inspiring post.

  7. Hello Lidi,
    The chimney is beautiful. You did a great job on finishing it. The entire building is just beautifully detailed.
    Big hug,
