Tuesday 6 May 2014

Sydney Miniatures Fair - May 2014

What a whirl-wind it has been for us - Sydney for 2 weekends in a row!!  I'm absolutely exhausted - but have had a most wonderful time.  The Sydney Fair was fun - as usual.  We were kept busy and it's always so nice to catch up with others of like mind!

Courtyard pics:
I promised pics of the courtyards worked on the previous weekend and here I will show you the ones that came to Sydney to be displayed.

On the left by Christine Kenny.  I'm sure she will send me pics when she finishes this!!  On the right, by Kaye Payne.  Well done Kaye!

On the left by Kay O'Connor and on the right by Yvonne McSwann.  Great work ladies!

By Elizabeth Barnes - who opted for the extended version!

Back view of Elizabeth's courtyard.  Great work for getting it all done Queen Lizzy!

I was so thrilled with the outcome of this workshop.  Every courtyard has a character all of it's own. Super work - everyone!!

Sydney Show 2014
Nambucca Valley Miniatures Group usually takes a display to the show and this year we did.....

Our sheds - so pleased - and they all turned out so differently!

Willunga was there - all lights working!!

My Apothecary room box.  I think it's been away from home for over 2 years, so I was very happy to see it again!!

The people you run into!!  Peter and Miriam from Ulmarra, who are members of the Nambucca Valley Miniatures Group!

Some general snaps taken at random!

Lorraine of Fairy Meadow Miniatures - having a good time!

Some of Margaret Crosswell's gorgeous work!

Lyn Wilson's lovely work!

Dianne Cottrell's lovely plants!

Nora-Lee manning theAMEA table!

Peter  - literally "manning" the stand!

Not much left - which means get back to work for me!!

Wow - I seem to have been going on and on here - but never mind.  I shall stop now and leave you all in peace.  I hope everyone is keeping well out there in blog land - take care all.


  1. Hi Lidi, the courtyards look amazing. It's fun to see how everybody put their own stamp on it. Love the brickwork on Willunga.
    gr. AM

  2. Hi Lidi, I was so excited to have purchased one of your baskets (fishing) from the fair. It is so beautiful. One of my favourite purchases from the day.
    Wilunga is even more fantastic in person. The displays were wonderful, I can't wait to next year.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful time my dear exhausted friend. I bet your students are all very happy with their courtyards!! Love the way the club project sheds all turned out so different. We'll have a picnic just as soon as you're over the exhaustion.

  4. Wow, so many fabulous photos in one entry. The courtyard workshop projects are fabulous and are all so different, as are the shed projects and Willunga is just fabulous. Thanks for sharing photos of the show. Glad you have had such a good experience at the show.

  5. Hi Lidi! How Wonderful! The courtyards turned out to be so individual and your Willunga is Superb! Honestly, I think that your bricks and stone work is some of the Best that I have seen. I am so happy to hear that the show was a success for you and it certainly seems like it had a lot of quality items to choose from. Thanks for sharing all of these photos Lidi. :))


  6. Hi Lidi, Thanks for posting about the Sydney Show . I must time my visits better and try to be around for a show.
    Loved that each courtyard was so different.
    Take care.
    regards Janine

  7. ¡Woow!! Que ganas de a ver estado ahí...
    ¡Mil gracias! por compartir las imágenes :)
    Un abrazo

  8. Obrigada por compartilhar! beijos em teu coração.
