Thursday 1 August 2013

Back from New Zealand..........

.......and we had an absolutely fabulous time.  The weather was perfect for us and just framed the stunning scenery!  I will take this opportunity to share just a couple of photos with you........

We flew in to Christchurch and drove north to Nelson - where we took part in the Nelson Miniature Show. 

On the beach front at Kaikoura.  It was amazing how close the snow was to the ocean.

A seal colony we came across on our drive north.  I particularly liked the warning signs on the road - "Seals next 8 km"

I suppose that equates to ours which read "Kangaroos next 10km"

Another stunner - the Peloris river - which apparently starred in the recent Hobbit movie.

One of my favourite spots - Mapua!  Just stunning.

Wellington from Victoria Peak.

 I am seriously back to work again - lots of weaving to be done and my paperclay project to complete.  More on that in my next post!!

I hope everyone is keeping well.


  1. Hi Lidi, I am so glad to read you had a good time! You took some fantastic pictures of that region, thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Ilona

  2. Very nice pictures. Thanks for sharing. Funny here we warn about deer. lol

  3. Hello Lidi! I so enjoyed this glimpse of New Zealand and thank you for posting them! My favorite novel "Green Dolphin Street' features New Zealand in its pioneer days and so although I have never been, I feel a special fondness for the country of the book that I love! Welcome back home and I greatly looking forward to the continuation of your newest projects both in paper clay and your world famous baskets!

