Tuesday 16 August 2011

This courtyard was inspired by a basilica my daughter and I visited in Rome last year.  It is made using gatorboard and paperclay.  As you may guess, I'm a paperclay addict!

My current project is the Venice Canal House by Rik Pierce - I did his workshop in Wellington, New Zealand in February this year - but have only just got back to working on it.  I was interrupted by the need to make baskets for my sales table at the Kensington Dollhouse Festival.  No matter, all in a good cause!!
It is nearly finished now though - and I will post about that some more soon.


  1. Hi, Lidi, I follow your work on your Etsy, I love your baskets, I'm glad that finally you opened your blog!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful works!
    kisses, from Italy, Caterina

  2. It's wonderful! Once I made paperclay bricks and they tore and bent, terrible.
    Yours looks so real!

  3. It's fabulous Lidi - and great to find your blog - thanks to Sus. I'll so enjoy following.
