Thursday 7 December 2017

Group Photo....................

Having a little fun here!!  I got a beautiful doll made by Irina Martin some time ago and at last
got around to making a cart for her to pull along.  I also made a few teddies
and thought they would look good in the cart.  A pleasant change to be doing
something for myself for a change!!

And here is the dolly - isn't she just gorgeous.  I was so lucky to get to Etsy just at the right time.  Irina's  dolls are so very hard to get your hands on!


  1. Love the doll and the cart with the bears it looks so sweet.

  2. Hello Lidi,
    These are just beautiful. I love the cart!
    Big hug

  3. What a wonderful doll! I love her stocking and matching shoes.
    She is a very lucky little girl to have a special wagon made just for her. ;-) Love the bears!

  4. Such a pretty doll and your bears are adorable in their little wagon

  5. The little girl looks AMAZINGLY REAL!!! and your wagon and the teddies are ADORABLE! :D


  6. ¡Espectacular! sus osos y la muñeca divinos. Feliz fin de semana:-)

  7. Love it all Lidi! Yes your doll is gorgeous and she looks so delighted with her three teddies. The cart is fantastic. Now I want one! Perhaps you could sell something like that at Sydney show??

  8. Oh, how sweet!!! The basket "wagon" is adorable... as are the bears and the little child! Beautiful work!!!

  9. Hello, Lidi! A charming picture! Everything is fine - a girl, a cart, and bears. Very positive picture! Hugs, Julia

  10. Thank you all for your positive comments. I had a lot of fun putting this little scene together!
