Saturday 3 June 2017

Nambucca Heads...............

..........a very scenic part of the world.  Here are some shots taken during our walks over the last two days.   The views never get boring - the colours change constantly depending on the weather at the time and it is always beautiful - even on a dull day!  Hope you enjoy.

My constant companion and shadow!


  1. Beautiful location. Not likely I will make it there for a visit but at least we do have one of those lovely, standard Red Poodles who shares our waterfront location in Seattle USA :)

  2. WOW!!! What a gorgeous place. I would love to see it. Hello puppy, you have grown a lot!!!

  3. It is beautiful isn't it? Have found Nambucca to have some of the best beaches on the coast. We are very lucky!

  4. It does looks like a wonderful place for a walk.
