Tuesday 24 June 2014

A couple of baskets..........

......just finished.

A fitched basinette

A wall basket - and I remembered the matchstick!!

 I have a new cradle I'm working on but will show and tell when I have finished it.

I thought I would add a pic of a stunning sunset - viewed from our back porch!

Our winter has now arrived - we have been forced to get our long sleeves out and rug up!
Enjoy your summer  everyone and take care!!


  1. They are gorgeous! I love the wall basket. I look forward to seeing the cradle.

  2. Oh Lidi,
    These little baskets are just exquisite.....as is your sunset.
    All the best

  3. ugg..its summer here but it's been raining like crazy and it's humid..we had a lighting storm yesterday..this has been a terrible summer but your baskets are very cute I like the hanging one.


  4. Wonderful, especially the wall basket.

  5. Your baskets are so beautiful. Now that the weather is cooling I guess you will be making even more. :-)

  6. Hi Lidi! As usual, your baskets are mini works of art! I have had a go at basket weaving recently, and was scared by what I made. However it didi give me a fuller appreciation of the enormous gift that you have and the skill that it takes to make something as beautiful as these!


    1. You are always so kind - and I'm sure that the basket you made was lovely. Have a wonderful time - whatever you are doing! Hugs!

  7. Hi Liddy, The sunset is brilliant. Australia has wonderful skies.
    We are enjoying long days - sun till after 9PM.... and warm, some would consider hot at 25C.
    Thanks for posting I always enjoy admiring your projects. One day I hope to see them in person.
    regards Janine

  8. Would be wonderful to have you visit! Our "winter" so far has been made up of lovely sunny days (19-20C) - one would hardly call it winter.
