Saturday 15 June 2013

Home again, Home again, Jiggity Jig!

And I'm so glad to be back.  Glad to be able to get into a routine again - work and all.
I'll try and tell you some of the stuff I got into while away......

Arrived in London with a day to spare before plunging into KDF, which I spent doing not much other than walking around the V & A Museum - fabulous place.  Then on Saturday it was headlong into Kensington Dollshouse Festival.

Sorry about the quality of the photo - but it was a little dark and the flash just made it worse!  But this is my little table at KDF and I had SOOooo much fun there.  I bought myself another Colin Bird chair and some lights from Ray Storey.  Ordered a heap of other stuff and all in all it was great!

On Monday, we hit the road (actually - caught a train north) to Leeds where I did the family thing.  And then we got our car and travelled.  Not having done Wales before, that's where we headed.

This is the cottage we used as our base while we travelled around.

On our way to the top of Mount Snowdon, Snowdonia, Wales. " Snowdonia" - it's like a name out of Middle Earth.  It was bitterly cold and "mizzly" - but absolutely breath-taking.

We visited Portmeirion - which was another amazing place!  The dream of one Cough Williams-Ellis whose lifelong concern was with architecture and landscape design, the protection of Rural Wales and conservation generally.  You should visit the site - I can't possibly do the place any justice with my pics!

We visited some castles of course!  Here is one of my favs - Beaumaris!

And of course - did some catching up with some old school chums!  That was super fun.

And did I mention the weather?  I think the words I could use are "wet" and "cold".  Anyway, we visited a beach at Teignmouth and I think the lifesaver's got it very right!  Priceless!

The "wet" was not confined to the UK because when we arrived in Prague, it was under water after 2 weeks of rain - and it was still raining when we got there.

The Charles Bridge was closed for the whole time we were in Prague (9 days).  They actually had an excavator on the bridge to remove all the debris that built up against the bridge pylons to prevent damage to the bridge.

I loved Old Town Square at night!

 This really caught my eye while walking down a street in Prague!  I mean, Port Macquarie is just down the road from us (just over an hour's drive - so local really!).

And this is the bar selling "Pivo Koala" - that is Koala Beer.  I wonder what that tastes like!!!!!

And we took a train trip to Karlstejn Castle.  As you can see, the river was still running high and a lot of properties were under water.

Karlstejn Castle - my absolute favourite!

And the totally modern Dubai as a stopover on the way home.

Hope I haven't bored you all to tears!  Never mind, you all know where the delete key is on your computer!!
I had the most awesome time away, met some lovely people, endured some really horrid weather and a couple of nice days as well.  The great part is that here it is winter and warmer than the UK so all is well!!

And after the weekend - it's back to some serious work!!

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Shame about the weather on your trip but great you had a good time anyway. The stone cottage you used as a base looks lovely from the outside. Fabulous items on your stall.

  2. Hi Lidi, your stall is fantastic. It must be hard for people to stop by without buying one, I can picture myself thinking "one of each please", despite not having the cash for that many in one go, but if I did, it would definitely be one of each :D

    I have some old photos of my grannys holiday in Portmerion, I would love to go there.

  3. Lidi,

    I LOVED seeing all you pictures and hearing about your trip. I would have like a better look at all your GORGEOUS baskets at you table though. I adore those bird houses with the cone shaped roofs.

  4. Wonderful photos. Your table looks fantastic.
    Greetings, Faby

  5. Your pictures are great! Thanks for sharing them. Your table at KDF looks wonderful too :)

  6. Beautiful photos!
    Thanks for sharing. =)

  7. what a wonderful trip you've made; thanks for showing the pictures!

  8. It looks like you had a fabulous time. I would love to visit all the places you mentioned but sadly I've never been outside of Australia. I love that you found the Koala, isn't it always the way, your nowhere near home and yet you find a link to it. IndyPoppy

  9. Hey Ho happy wanderer, glad to have you back home. How weird finding Port Macquarie Koala Sanctuary featuring in Prague! I wonder if Koala Beer tastes like stewed gum leaves?? Can't wait to be 'bored' with more pics, all we need is some sunshine for a picnic.

  10. Hi Lidi! I really enjoyed taking this tour with you! Isn't it astounding about how cold and wet it is in so many places!? And I thought it was only in Canada!!!! I can't believe the beauty of the bridge in Praugue! It has so much character! You will have some very happy memories of your European Vacation I am sure, but I know that be it ever so glorious, there is no place like Home!


  11. Wow! that was really interesting! Next time stop at the States swoop me up and put me in your luggage! LOL
